
5 Essential Elements of the Best Email Marketing Campaigns

5 Essential Elements of the Best Email Marketing Campaigns

by Mar 1, 2019Email, Tips

Email marketing is still the number one tool for lead generation.

A well put together email campaign is an excellent way to reach out and win customers. But a poorly put together email is not just a waste of time — it can even damage your brand.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Read on for how the best email marketing campaigns are set for success even before they are sent.

1. Set Goals

All successful marketing starts with goal setting. Think about what you want to achieve. Some examples include:

  • Provide new subscribers with information about your business
  • Increasing engagement with your business and your content
  • Providing value to existing subscribers to boost relationships
  • Re-engaging with subscribers who haven’t been active

Having a clear set of goals in mind will help you tailor specific content to meet your audience. You may want to consider working with marketing consultants to set the right goals.

2. Audience Segments

Segment your customers and track the segments. You don’t want to spam everyone on your contact list.

Product offers will only appeal to those who have bought or seem interested in that product type. You have more chance at securing successful sales rather than taking a stab in the dark.

You can never have too many contacts, so always keep building client email lists. Ensure that list is always growing with sign up features on websites.

3. The Subject Line

Your subject line is a key starting point for making an impression. You want it to grab people’s attention and make them want to look further.

You don’t have a lot of words to make that impression. Keep it simple by telling people exactly what they’re getting inside. Personalizations like a customer’s name show an existing, valued relationship.

4. The Copy

Be concise and speak to your target audience. Describe the direct benefit of clicking.

“Receive 30% off your next order” is a clear reason. “Receive 30% off your next order – today only” is even clearer.

Make your reader want to click because of the immediate, emotional benefit of doing so. Also, engage with their curiosity. Letting them know there is value to be had makes them curious and gets them to visit your site.

5. Avoid Spam Filters

If your emails flag up as spam, they’re not going to get read.

Make sure your recipients have opted into receiving your emails. There are many regulations you’re going to need to follow. The CAN-SPAM Act in the US and Europe’s GDPR are examples.

Avoid using all caps and too many exclamation marks. You don’t want to use hyperbolic phrases, either. Make sure your HTML is well formatted as this can flag up on spam filters, too.

The Best Email Marketing Campaigns

If you follow these tips, you will avoid the common pitfalls of email marketing and are ready to send one of your best email marketing campaigns.

They will help boost your delivery and open rates, and get your audience immediately engaged.

If you want to take your digital marketing a step further, contact us at Open Lock Marketing today. Whether you need help with strategy, content, or anything else, we can help unlock your marketing potential.

Linh Judin